Editorial – Safar al-Muzaffar 1438 H

The restoration of Al Jame al Anwar at the turn of the 15th century hijri marked a turning point in the history of mumineen: bringing prosperity and barakat manifold to the community. The rebuilding was propagated by the niyyat of Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA) who during his visit to al-Qahera was dismayed by the masjid’s abandonment and neglect and voiced his niyyat to rebuild the masjid. This niyyat was recorded in a diary by one of the khidmet guzars. In the year 1398 H. his son and Mansoos, Syedna Mohammed Burhnauddin (RA) initiated the project, the amal, with unyielding determination and against great odds, including the fact that the UNESCO declared they couldn’t handle a project of such magnitude. At each step, it was Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin(TUS) who oversaw the project He became the yad of his father Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA): with his leadership and hard labor each step from clean-up and planning to reconstruction and architecture was made possible.

Each waaz of this year’s Ashara Mubaraka expounded on one mojeza of the nine maajiz that ensued in the course of the resoration of Al-Jame al Anwar. It was destined for Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin(TUS) to reveal the significance of each mojeza, to illuminate the enormity of this project and thereby elucidate the maqam of his father and predecessor Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin (RA). The qalam inscribes, and the parchment radiates by what is inscribed upon it. Such is the shaan of Naas and Mansus.

One of the maajiz was the Lauhat tarikhiya, the historical tablet, which had been broken into pieces over the years. At the beginning, a single piece was found with the letters, “”م بامر. It contained the meem of the name of Imam Hakim Biamrillah. This barakat of the name of the Imam became a magnet in drawing  together the remaining pieces from different museums around the world. The piece contained “meem be”, the initials of Syedna Mohammed Burhanddin(RA) that are familiar to every mumin, followed by the word amr or command.  It was, as Syedna elucidated, a distinct command from Imam al Zaman(SA) to his Dai Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin(RA) to undertake the restoration of the Fatemi Jame, there by fulfilling the aspirations of Duat Mutlaqeen (RA), at the hands of his Mansoon Ali Qadr Syedna Mufaddal Saifudddin (TUS).

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